Pest birds information
Please use the guide below to help you identify some of the many pest birds we can assist in removal.
Common Name: Feral Pigeon / Dove
- Breeding: Can produce 15 to 20 young per year.
- Impacts: Spread of diseases, noise, droppings.
- Feeding: Primarily seeds and grains.
Common Name: House Sparrow
- Breeding: Breed all year round but mostly in summer and spring. Can produce 3 broods per year.
- Impacts: Nuisance, noise, droppings.
- Feeding: Seeds, grains and insects.
- Nesting Habits: In roof of houses and commercial properties, under solar panels on roof tops.
Common Name: Common Starling
- Breeding: Can produce 2 to 3 broods per year.
- Impacts: Fruit crops, diseases.
- Feeding: Insects.
Common Name: Common Myna
- Breeding: Monogamous pairs. Can produce 1 to 3 broods per year.
- Impacts: Displace native birds from natural habitat, damage fruit crops, noise, mites from nest, spread of weeds.
- Feeding: Scavenger feeders eating dog food, cat food, bird seeds, grains and insects.
- Nesting Habits: In roof of houses and commercial properties, hollow Logs, under solar panels on roof tops.
How we can help?
We use effective and eco-friendly techniques to ensure the birds are removed in a humane manner.
- Step 1: Assessment – Examine your property and identify areas of concerns, looking for entry and exit points.
- Step 2: Removal – Removal of any bird nests on the property (if NESTS are removed from internal areas of the roof space dusting to control birds mites will also be part of the service to reduce the risk of mites infesting the living spaces of your property), assess all options of reducing the numbers of pest birds.
- Step 3: Cleaning – We can also assist in the removal of droppings, cleaning and sanitising the area.
- Step 4: Preventive measures – To install preventive measures like screens at entry points, spikes, lasers to discourage the birds from sitting on or around your property.
Some methods of pest bird (discourage / removal / eradications ) options as below:
- Bird Netting and Meshing
- Bird Spikes and Deterrents
- Bird XPellers
- Bird Exclusion Lasers
- Bird Scare Balloons
- Bird Trapping
Call Valley Pest Management on 0407779957 for further discussion or to arrange an onsite visit.
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